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OVI Esports — Week 14 Digest

14 weeks have swiftly passed by and it has been an eventful ride. This weekly recap summarizes the main updates across all areas during the past while also giving an outline of what is to be expected this week.

Before we jump in, here is a quick summary:

Last week:

· Monday: Weekly digest publication, Twitter Space with Nunu Spirits NFT web3 team (instead of normal OVI roundtable)

· OVI roundtable moved to Wednesday this week

· Community engagement activities launching; gaming tournaments, giveaways, competitions

· Dev team resuming after a well earned break — front-end product and platform development continues

· Wednesday: Publishing 4th edition of eSports industry newsletter GM Games

· Joey’s first Medium article coming later this week

· Snapshot: Currently around 100 Discord members, 225 Twitter followers

· Internal structure finalized, go-to-market plan locked down, marketing and collaborations underway

· Picking up speed on executing OVI strategies and plans

This week:

· Jana developing community strategy and plan for next 2 months, including daily events to drive engagement and grow Discord. Her experience should help take community to next level

· Jen finalizing banners, graphics etc for upcoming community events and spaces. Visual assets will help advertise and host engaging events

· Joey Sendz onboarded to work on SEO and online presence over next 3 months. Has gaming and eSports background. Prepped first article coming soon

· Monday we will welcome NunuSpirits NFT in a special Twitter space

· The regular community Monday Round Table will move to Wednesday

· New OVIsaurs video released showing animation process

· Founder Phil accepted to speak at NFT NYC 2024. Big opportunity to share OVI ecosystem.

· Blockchain Game Alliance reached out to schedule online seminar to introduce OVI Esports

· Satoshi Island trip postponed due to positive urgent matter

· Instead, Phil invited to Hong Kong Ape Fest to network and introduce OVI. Exciting potential opportunities

Now lets dive into the detail:

Last Week

It’s been another exciting week here at OVI as we continue to build and grow our community.

Jana is now two weeks into developing our community strategy and has outlined a solid plan for the next couple months. This includes scheduling daily calendar events, spaces, and other initiatives to raise awareness and engagement across our socials and welcoming new members into our Discord. With Jana’s proven track record in community building, we’re confident she will help take the OVI community to the next level.

On the design front and with community building well underway, Jen has been busy finalizing collaboration and marketing materials. These include banners and graphics for upcoming events and spaces. These visual assets will allow us to properly advertise and host engaging events as our team executes the community building strategy.

OVI also welcomed Joey Sendz last week who will be working on SEO and online presence for the OVI ecosystem over the next three months. In addition to being an expert in SEO, Joey has relevant gaming experience from participating in eSports tournaments for Counter Strike and Call of Duty. His background makes him a great fit to help share our vision as we continue building. Joey has already prepped his first article which will be released very soon.

On our community update front, our Monday Round Table and Wednesday RAWR were held as usual.

Friday saw another fun edition of the OVIsaurs — recognition and thanks must go out to the fantastic work of our 3D animator Shadow. The behind-the-scenes video provides insight into the intricate hand-drawn and coloring process for our digital collectibles.

Did you mange to guess what piece it was from the OVIsaurs?

We had some major news last week — our founder Phil was accepted to speak at NFT NYC 2024!

This will be an incredible opportunity to share the OVI ecosystem on a global stage next April.

The Blockchain Game Alliance also reached out to schedule an online seminar where we can introduce eSports to their community. More details on both events soon!

Finally, the Satoshi Island trip is postponed for now as an urgent (extremely positive) matter came up.

Instead of the Satoshi Island trip (which will be rescheduled in due course), Phil has been invited to Hong Kong. This is where the Hong Kong Ape Fest will be take place. As a member of the Bored Ape community and Chinese Ape Club. Introductions and networking is paying off as some heavy weights are interested in getting to know and understand the OVI ecosystem in greater detail. Who knows where this could lead to, but its definitely exciting times. We will keep everyone updated how things progress.

This week

We have an exciting week ahead with major spotlight on several community engagement activities we’ve planned as we continue executing our marketing and go-to-market strategies.

Monday always starts with the publication of our weekly digest. Additionally on Monday we will hold our usual Twitter Space at 6pm EST. However, instead of our normal roundtable discussion, we are thrilled to welcome the web3 team from Nunu Spirits NFT!

‘The Nunu Spirits project merges the joy of casual gaming and the earning capacity of blockchain and turns it into ecological action.

Save the Nunu, save the forest, but for real! Players collect and earn 3D NFTs called Nunus in a super fun game world built on a play-to-earn ecosystem where every Nunu has the chance to become a real tree, planted in the real world.’

Nunu Spirit offers a unique value proposition, merging gaming and rewards with real world tangible benefits. Now this is what you call an eco friendly blockchain solution!

Expect to see more of these collaborations with web3 and Esports teams going forward as we work to raise awareness of OVI within the space.

With the Nunu Spirits team taking over the Monday slot, our OVI roundtable will shift to Wednesday this week. As always, the roundtable is a chance for our community to connect with us in a public forum and get the latest updates on all things OVI.

In addition to this, we are kicking off several community engagement activities to welcome new members and start building real connections. This includes gaming tournaments, giveaways, and competitions that we will promote across our social channels.

Behind the scenes, our dev team is back from a much-needed break and will start developing the front-end wireframes into a functioning product. We remain laser focused on bringing OVI to life!

On the content front, we will publish the fourth edition of our Esports industry newsletter, GMGames, on Wednesday. We are also excited to release Joey’s first article on Medium later this week to expand our thought leadership presence.

As a snapshot, we currently have about 100 people in our Discord and 225 Twitter followers. It will be exciting to see where we are in another 4 weeks!

With our internal structure finalized, marketing and collaboration strategies in motion, and go-to-market plan locked down, things are really picking up speed at OVI.

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